This heart-rending poem was sent by my good friend Glyn while Allan was on life-support.
Sadly Glyn understands my pain, as she lost her dear son Matthew in an RTA several years before.
Sadly Glyn understands my pain, as she lost her dear son Matthew in an RTA several years before.
Somewhere beyond there's a place we don't know
Pulling you towards it
But please don't go
Fight it with all your strength and more
We will help all we can
Your strength to restore.
We are sending you power
We're sending you love
Trying to keep you from the force from above.
You're needed here
Your job isn't done
So please keep on fighting
Until you have won.
You are far too special
To leave us just yet
Everyone loves you,
Your friends on the 'net.
Poem by Glyn © May 2004
Three months later Glyn wrote another poem for me, showing that she understands only too well the pain of losing a precious son.
Thank you Glyn, love always xxxxx
How dare the world be normal after my world fell apart?
How can the birds sing in the morning when I'm mending a broken heart?
How can the sun ever shine now that Allan's gone?
I try to find a reason why but I can never ever find one.
I know he's one of zillions in a world so full of sons,
But he is mine and I love him so, and the hurt goes on and on.
I'm tired of being brave, I'm tired of being strong,
I try so hard for Allan's sake as I have done all along.
Sometimes it gets so hard I wish I wasn't here
Then I remember I have the choice and it always brings a tear.
Others say they understand, they're trying to be kind I know
But until you've lost a precious son who you'll never ever see grow
You can't imagine how that feels, nobody ever could.
I lost my world when Allan died, my rose was just a bud
Plucked too early from this life to bloom in heaven above.
I don't ask for your sympathy, I don't ask for a hand,
All I really ask of you is that you understand
That some days I'll be cheery and others I'll be without joy
I will carry on one day at a time for the sake of my lovely boy.
Written by Glyn © August 2004